Topic 2. Banking is undoubtedly one of the most regulated industries in the world, and the rules on bank capital are one of the most prominent aspects of such regulation. This prominence results from the central role t
1. Banking system in Moldova Moldova has maintained an efficient, two-levelled banking system since 1993, consisting of the National Bank of Moldova (NBM) and commercial banks. The Moldovan banking sector is considered t
1. Balanţa de plăţi externe: concept, rol, structură, factori de influenă. 2. Metode de echilibrare şi ajustare a Balanţei de plăţi externe. 3. Interpretarea Balanţei de plăţi externe. Importanţa balanţei de plăţi
monitoringul creditelor bancare curs
Costul creditelor bancare curs
1. Banking system in Moldova 2. Licensing banks 3. Expansion of banks in the territory 1. Banking system in Moldova Moldova has maintained an efficient, two-levelled banking system since 1993, consisting of the National