Seminarii la Limba Engleza

115 din 85

doc Interview questions and answers

• Tell me about yourself I was born and grew up in Stefan Voda. I attended the Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova and received my master’s degree in Economics. I have worked for 2 years as a consultant in Chisinau

pdf Unit 4

Unit 4 la limba engleza de afaceri

docx Business etiquette

Semnificatia si efectele Business etiquette

docx The economic infrastructure

1)The economic infrastructure(sectors of ecomony:primary,secondary,tertiary,quaternary

doc Decisions


doc The sectors of economy


doc Importance of manufacturing industry


doc English for Business Studies raspunsuri


docx Limba engleza modulul 3

Limba engleza modulul 3

docx Negotiation japanese style

Negotiation Japanese Style The Japanese are world class negotiators and do business very differently than their American counterparts. The first thing to note about the Japanese is their focus on the welfare of the gro

pdf Engleza pentru avansati Unit 2

Unit 2. Likes and preferences

pdf Unit 1 English ASEM

Unit ! Getting in contact. Personal presentation

docx Asociaţia Obştească FILOCALIA

Asociaţia Obştească FILOCALIA este o organizaţie de binefacere cu caracter creştin şi social, neguvernamentală, democratică, non-profit şi apolitică, înregistrată la Ministerul Justiţiei al Republicii Moldova la data de

pdf Translation Techniques for Exam

Translation Techniques for Exam

docx Definitions For Exam

1. Monosemy-relationship between designations and concepts in a given language in which one designation only relates to one concept 2. Term extraction-process of extracting terminological data by searching through a co