O Count to 10 before you speak. o Take three to five deep breaths. o Walk away from the stressful situation, and say you'll handle it later. o Go for a walk. o Don't be afraid to say "I'm sorry" if you make a mistake
Order of Presentation: Introduction Problem Solution Market, Customers Competitive landscape Business and Revenue Models Management Team Financial Projections Funding Timeline Summary ...
All about informative reports
How to write it? all components
A memo is intended to inform a group of people about a specific issue...
The techniques of summarization, types
When you write a paper, you use some information that you have read in books, journals, on the Internet, etc. Your teacher might have told you, “Use your own words.” In other words, even when you use someone else’s infor
The history of a brand
Aristotle Onassis was a Greek entrepreneur born on January 15, 1906, in Smyrna, a town in present-day Turkey. In the 1920s Onassis launched his own cigarette brand. Shortly thereafter he realized that tobacco shipping ge