Fituici Vostricov Denis

14 din 4

pdf Raport Executarea bugetulu 2014

REVENUES 30158,5 33526,1 36908,5 42455,8 100,00% 100,00% 100,00% 100,00% 3367,6 3382,4 5547,3 Income without grants and transfers 28454,2 31889,3 34834,9 38321,7 94,35% 95,12% 94,38% 90,26% 3435,1 2

doc Copiute pt test 1

1. Origins and historical development of taxes Taxes constitute an integral attribute of the state. Taxes became a necessary element of the socio-economic relations at the formation of the state.States used taxes in th

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6. The Notion of a Taxation System. The Taxation System of the RM Part 1. The Concept of the Taxation System(TS) The TS - the totality of various types of taxes, the elaboration and calculation of which relies on

doc Examen Finante Publice

Economic content and concept of finance. Finances=entire heritage of the state. Finance=total income of the state. The concept of finance is closely related to the concept of the state. It is linked to the use of mone