Fituici la Limba Engleza

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docx Teme la examen la engleza

Temele de la examen de la engleza

docx Winter exam

Detalii despre examenul la engleza

jpg Testul nr 2 varianta 1 engleza


docx Praxiologia comunicarii interculturale.Examen

Praxiologia comunicarii interculturale.Examen

docx Examen .Smokin.Competenta lectorala:formare, dezvoltare

Examen.Competenta lectorala:formare, dezvoltare

doc Useful language

Notite la L.engleza pentru economisti

doc Dictionar la engleza pentru economisti

Unit 7: Cultures  Awareness- Conștientizarea  Reason- motiv, argument  Custom- obicei  Beliefs- convingeri  Cuisine- bucătărie,mod de a gati  Cheap foreign travel- Călătoriile în străinătate ieftine  Tra

doc Copiute pentru testare la Business English

1. Products and brands. What is a product? The definition of the product. What is a brand? Brand names. Brand loyalty. Brand- switcher. Product lines and product mixes. Line- stretching and line filling. 2. Marketing. D

docx Raspunsuri la exam engleza

Rs la intrebarile de la l.engleza EMREI an 2, sem 1

docx Subiecte limba engleza

Subiecte la examenul de iarna engleza

docx Engleza bilete

1)The economic infrastructure(sectors of ecomony:primary,secondary,tertiary,quaternary) The economic infrastructure is an internal facilities of a country that make business activity possible, such as communication, tra

docx Engleza Examen

I)Advertising 1. Ways of advertising. How companies advertise There are eight ways to advertise a product or service: 1) Television Advertising TV commercials are a popular way to mass-market messages to large audien

doc England

England England is in north-west Europe and is in the southern part of Great Britain. It is an island country and also part of the United Kingdom (UK). England (Old English: Englaland, Middle English: Engelond) is

doc Subiecte pentru examen Limba Engleza ASEM

Examination topics for the first years (BA Department) 1. Products and brands. What is a product? The definition of the product. What is a brand? Brand names. Brand loyalty. Brand- switcher. Product line

docx Family

Family, in my opinion, is someone who loves you and whom you love either. It can be not only your parents but also people who are dear to you, who take care of you.