1. Products and brands. What is a product? The definition of the product. What is a brand? Brand names. Brand loyalty. Brand- switcher. Product lines and product mixes. Line- stretching and line filling. 2. Marketing. Defining marketing. The selling and the marketing concepts . Target market. The importance of marketing research. The marketing mix - The ‘4 Ps’. Producer and consumer market. (company - to - company marketing). 3. Advertising. Ways of advertising. What is the best kind of advertising? Why do most companies use advertising agencies? What is a media plan? 4. Advertising. Comment on the following topics: Advertising often persuades people to buy things they don’t need; Advertising does not present a true picture of products. 5. Promotional tools. The four major promotional tools: advertising, sales promotions, public relations and personal selling. 6. Promotional tools. Imagine that you are responsible for promoting potatoes, to be sold in supermarkets. Which tools would you use to promote it? You have a generous budget and are able to employ several different tactics. 7. Market structure and competition. Give the definitions of these words. Market leaders, challengers and followers. Establishing a niche. Monopoly, oligopoly, perfect competition etc. 8. Efficiency and employment. Casual employment, contract workers, agency workers. 9. Business ethics. Profits and social responsibility. The different opinions about the social responsibility. 10. The role of government. What are governments for? The J.K. Galbraith’ opinion about the role of the government or the state. What is the Friedman’s opinion of the activities of the US government? 11. Business cycle. Internal and external theories. Which of these theories do you find the most convincing? What is the current situation in your country? Are most of the people you know currently optimistic or pessimistic about the future? 12. International trade. Can you imagine living in a country that did not import anything, where only locally produced food and textiles and products were available? Why do most governments impose import tariffs and quotas? Why have many developing countries recently reduced protectionism and increased their international trade? Trade of Republic of Moldova
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Fituici: Copiute pentru testare la Business English Obiect: Limba Engleza