Cursuri Diaconu Luminita

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doc Reportts

‘portare’ (to carry). Both the words mean ‘to give an account.’ ‘Report,’ thus, means ‘to give people information about something that you have heard, seen, done, etc.’ It is a very formal document that is written for a


Enerally speaking, reports are “factual accounts that objectively communicate information about some aspect of the business”). But reports can be written for internal or external audiences, can be informational or analy

docx Memorandum

A memo is: a hard-copy (sent on paper) document used for communicating inside an organisation usually short contains To, From, Date, Subject Headings and Message sections does not need to be signed, but sometim

jpg Intrebari semestru I

intrebari la examen din semestrul I

doc Marci comerciale autohtone

Marci comerciale autohtone

doc Subiectele pt examen la Limba Engleza

1.The economic infrastructure ( sectors of the economy: primary, secondary, tertiary, quaternary) 2.Manufacturing and services (basic features and characteristics) 3.The retail sector and the retail business 4.General

zip Geografie

Evaluarea la disciplina Geografie în cadrul examenului naŃional de bacalaureat 2011

docx Examen Engleza intrebari+raspunsuri

1. Marketing. Centrality of Marketing 2. The Importance of Market Research. 3. Ways of Advertising. 4. How Companies Advertise. 5. Promoting a New Product. 6. Promotional Tools. 7. Market Structure and Competitors.

docx „ The history of unions in Republic of Moldova”

Union 1.The condition of being united, the act of uniting, or a conjunction formed by such an act. 2. An association, alliance, or confederation of individuals or groups for a common purpose, especially political.When ta

doc Subiectele examen LIMBA ENGLEZA 2009 + Raspunsuri

1. Three sectors of the economy 2. Manufacturing and services 3. Management.Basic management functions. Goal setting and planning. 4. Kinds of managers. Key management skills. Managerial roles 5. 6. Company structure 7.