Subiectele examen LIMBA ENGLEZA 2009 + Raspunsuri - Diaconu Luminita

CURSUniversitate ASEM Caiet Limba Engleza

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1. Three sectors of the economy 2. Manufacturing and services 3. Management.Basic management functions. Goal setting and planning. 4. Kinds of managers. Key management skills. Managerial roles 5. 6. Company structure 7. Work and motivation. Historical perspective on motivation. Theory X. Theory Y. 8. Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. Hertzberg’s theory 9. Contemporary views on motivation 10. Cross culturall managemen 11. Labour relations 12. Production. Just- in-time production 14. Product line and product mix. Developing new products 15. Recruitment 16. Marketing concept. Creating the marketing mix 17. Markets and their classifications. Marketing strategies

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Curs: Subiectele examen LIMBA ENGLEZA 2009 + Raspunsuri Profesor: Diaconu Luminita