Teste la Relatii Valutar Financiar Internationale

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doc Aplicatii RVFI probleme

Aplicatii RVFI probleme

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docx Varianta 3 rezolvata RVFI

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jpg RVFI Test 1 I parte

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doc Teste la RVFI

Din punct de vedere al autorităţii care îl stabileşte, cursul valutar, poate fi: a) curs central; b) curs reprezentativ; c) curs flotant; d) curs fix; e) cursul oficial paritar; f) cursul oficial – convenţional. C

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Test bac chimie an 2015


Testul nr 1 la RVFI ASEM

docx Testul 1 RVFI

1. Which is the most basic element of the global system? The most basic element of the global system is the choice of the means of payment in cross-border transactions. 2. What does the International Monetary System

jpg Test 1 var 2 RVFI

Testul nr 1 varianta 2 la RVFI

jpg Test 1 var 1 RVFI

Relatii valutar- financiare internationale test 1

doc testul 2 RVFI

Toate variantele la testul 2

rar Relatii valutar-financiare internationale - Teste grila

Relatii valutar-financiare internationale - Teste grila (Photos)