Test Questions 1. Describe the purpose and provisions included in the treaties underlying the establishment of the European Community. ( 2 ) 2. What was the main cause of failure of the Pleven Plan, the creation of a political community? ( 3 ) 3. Describe the steps the country's accession to the European Union and the interest of every country to be a member of this community? (4) 4. The position of England when joining the European Union. ( 6 ) 5. Analyze stages of EU integration, make distinctions between them. (7) 6. List the objectives of the Single European Act and amendments included in the Treaty. (9 ) 7. The Treaty of Maastricht, on construction changes included in the EU Treaty. (10) 8. The Treaty of Amsterdam, the new provisions on institutional reforms and enlargement to the East. (11 ) 9. The results of the Intergovernmental Conference, the Treaty of Nice. (12 ) 10. The European Union is a federal state? ( 13) 11. The stages of development of the European Union. ( ) 12. Measures taken inthe European Economic Community for the accomplishment of Customs Union. ( ) 13. What do we mean by economic integration? Identify various levels of cooperation of regional economic integration. ( ) 14. Dynamic analysis of economic integration. ( ) 15. What is the purpose of sanitary, phytosanitary and veterinary regulations? ( ) 16. Customs Union member countries in particular can modify the Common Customs Tariff? ( ) 17. Explain EU rules for monitoring the compliance of products imported from third countries. ( ) 18. When importing products from which country, the Common Customs Tariff will be applying in full? ( ) 19. Requirements for establishing the common market. ( 19) 20. The importance of the Single European Act. ( 22)
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Test: Testul nr 1 la integrarea europeana Profesor: Tiu N.