LISTENING Track 3 A Listen to the radio report about retail sales. Complete the sentences with the figures you hear. You will hear the report twice. 1 Sales volumes rose by _______________ per cent. 2 Sales increased _______________ per cent through the month. 3 Economists had expected an increase of _______________ per cent. 4 Holyoke Property has offered to buy Blankenship for _______________. 5 Blankenship’s share price increased to _______________ . Track 4 B Listen to the conversation. Mark Spence, Gillian Franks and Wallace Jones are at an IT conference in London. Match the names (6-10) with the descriptions (a-e). You will hear the conversation twice. 6 Gillian and Mark a) usually works in New York. 7 Gillian and Wallace b) have met before. 8 Wallace c) has travelled to China in the past. 9 Gillian d) works for a company that isn’t very old. 10 Mark e) are meeting for the first time. ....
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01:39Test: Progress Test 2 (Units 4–6) - Limba Engleza Obiect: Engleza