1. a level playing field – a situation of fair competition;small company difficult to compete 2. in the driving seat – being in control;market dominance 3. to be neck and neck – being at the same level as the competition;we have exactly the same market share as our nearest rival 4. flogging a dead horse – wasting your time on a hopeless situation; it’s a waste of time continuing with the project 5. move the goalposts- a change in the rules ;the government have changed all the rules for exporters 6. keep your eye on the ball – staying focused;we really need to concentrate on what our competitors are doing 7. head of the game – being in front of the competition;we have left all our competitors behind 8. a one horse race – being the only competitior;they are so far ahead of their competitors in terms of new products 9. business competition – a rivalry among businesses for sales to potential customers 10. perfect competition – is the market situation in which there are many buyers and sellers of a product , and no single buyer or seller is powerful enough to eaffect the price of that product 11.supply – the quantity of a product that producers are willing to sell at each of various prices 12. demand –the quantity of a product that buyers are willing to purchase at each various prices 13. market price – the priuce at which the quantity demanded is eaxactly equal to the quantity supplied 14. monopolistic competition – a market situation in which there are many buyers along with a relatively large number of sellers who differentiate their products from the products of competitors 15. product differentiation – the process of developing and promoting differenes between one’s products and all similar products 16. oligopoly – a market in which there are few sellers ...
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Test: Copiuta pentru Testul nr. 1 la Business English Obiect: Business English