Organizations of all types and sizes face internal and external factors and influences that make it uncertain whether and when they will achieve their objectives. The effect this uncertainty has on an organization's objectives is “risk”. All activities of an organization involve risk. Organizations manage risk by identifying it, analysing it and then evaluating whether the risk should be modified by risk treatment in order to satisfy their risk criteria. Throughout this process, they communicate and consult with stakeholders and monitor and review the risk and the controls that are modifying the risk in order to ensure that no further risk treatment is required. This International Standard describes this systematic and logical process in detail. While all organizations manage risk to some degree, this International Standard establishes a number of principles that need to be satisfied to make risk management effective. This International Standard recommends that organizations develop, implement and continuously improve a framework whose purpose is to integrate the process for managing risk into the organization's overall governance, strategy and planning, management, reporting processes, policies, values and culture. Risk management can be applied to an entire organization, at its many areas and levels, at any time, as well as to specific functions, projects and activities. Although the practice of risk management has been developed over time and within many sectors in order to meet diverse needs, the adoption of consistent processes within a comprehensive framework can help to ensure that risk is managed effectively, efficiently and coherently across an organization. The generic approach described in this International Standard provides the principles and guidelines for managing any form of risk in a systematic, transparent and credible manner and within any scope and context. ...
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22:06Seminar: Indian Standard IS/ISO 31000:2009 - Risk Management — Principles AND GUIDELINES Obiect: Managementul Riscurilor in Afaceri