What role does and should our government play in education? As the head of government relations for NWEA, I am frequently immersed in such discussions and would like to engage you all as well. My experiences and personal beliefs lead me to believe that our government plays four critical roles in ensuring a quality education for all kids in America. They are: 1. Setting standards for our students 2. Funding education programs 3. Making sure schools are held accountable for providing a quality education 4. Researching best practices in education Today, I’d like to begin discussions around the first two roles – standards and funding – by breaking down what each means in education. Setting standards for our students This entails setting research-based expectations for student achievement, growth and success. Right now, our government is hard at work partnering with the National Governors Association (NGA) and the Council of Chief State School Offices (CCSSO) to draft a set of national standards called The Common Core State Standards Initiative, the latest round of which are open for public review and feedback until October 21, 2009. ...
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Seminar: The Role of Government in Education Obiect: Engleza Economica