Referate Alexandrov Valeriu

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pdf Adaptation of The Copyright Laws of Countries in Transition to the New Technologies; Accesion to, and Implemention of the WIPO “INTERNET TREATIES”

I. INTRODUCTION II. MAIN FEATURES OF THE WCT AND THE WPPT; STATUS OF RATIFICATION AND ACCESSION A. General Characterization of the WCT and the WPPT B. Status of Ratification of, and Accessions to, the Two Treaties

doc "Zodia Cancerului" sau "Vremea Ducai Voda" - rezumat pe capitole -

Capitolul I "In care se vede cum intra in Moldova un calator dintr-o tara indepartata si cum Ilie Turculetz nu-i numai capitan de steag ci si cititor de stele". Primul capitol da cateva informatii despre abatele Paul