It’s not easy to define all the elements that differentiate a successful manager from one who isn’t, butthere are some behaviours that tend to be common amongst successful executives at any level. Here are some key things that you will need to do to become one of them. 1. Delegate responsibilities rather than tasks Good managers do not micromanage their people. They ensure that people understand completely what is expected of them, and what are their objectives, and then work with them to help them achieve their goals, but allow them to freedom to get there in their own way. 2. Fight for your people Successful managers are tough when it comes to getting the resources and budget needed for their people to succeed. If you are weaker than your peers they will sell their ideas more easily and you will be left with only the remnants making it hard to create the needed environment for your team. 3. Be timely, tough and straightforward when it comes to bad news and criticism Nobody likes to deliver bad news, and handling behavioural and performance issues is not easy even for an experienced manager. The problem is that the longer you leave it the harder it gets, so you must not procrastinate but must address these issues immediately. A capable manager is always straight with his people and does not waste time holding off dealing with day to day challenges. The sooner they are addressed the sooner they can be resolved. ...
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Referat: Caracterisiticile unui manager de succes Universitate: Liceul L. Rebreanu