Generally, every organisation consists of both tangible and intangible elements: the environment, vision and mission, values, objectives, strategies, authorities, work, people and other resources (land, labour, capital, entrepreneurship and technology, especially, ICT). The only living thing among these elements are the human beings, who have entered into contractual relationship with the organisation to offer their human endowments in exchange for some forms of rewards” Within organizations, motivation has always been linked to how you can make people work more and better. With more competition on the labor market, most companies face fluctuation in staffing, counterproductive behavior, with employees who feel unstimulated or insufficiently rewarded for their efforts. In fact, a study by Sirota Survey Intelligence, 370000 employees, shows that 63% of those who do not feel satisfied with the company intend to leave the next two years, while only 19% of those who say they have satisfied this intention.
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Referat: ,,Diagnosis of remuneration and it’s effect on motivation policy,, Obiect: Diagnostic of enterprise