Today as the online shopping grows in popularity more people are turning to online shopping for all their needs. Clothes, shoes, products, even groceries can now are purchased via the internet. A lot of pros have come from this; no waiting in lines or in traffic, you can shop from the convenience of your home in your ps, easier to do comparison shopping, discounts and you can shop at ANY time without restrictions. Five respondents was interviewed in a focus group session on internet shopping. Each of them spend a lot of time on the shoping websites and most of the things they have are bought from internet. So I organized a focus group to talk about internet shopping in general and to look for an idea of a new shopping website. 1)Why do you shop from internet? One participant answers, "Because it is convenient." 2)What exactly do you mean by saying catalog shopping is 'convenient' - how, in what way is it 'convenient?' "It saves time - time you would spend driving to the mall." Another respondent says, "Because there are more choices." More choices than what? "Than what you can find in the mall or in department stores." "I just like the idea of having the world's goods just a phone call away and the books themselves are fun to look at!" 3)Fun, how? "You know, you get a cup of good coffee, look at your favourite websites, and that's a form of entertainment." 4)What role do internet and internet shopping play in your life? "I can spend free time to see what new ones have come, I love looking at all the items and marking the pages. It is convenient, easy and efficient shop" Some of them said that it is not so funny, its bored and that they like to see first the product before they buy. Yet another respondent takes a different tack: "Yeah, but sometimes you get to see some products for things that you would never see otherwise." The respondent who first spoke up says, "That's the thing about internet shopping. They are convenient and you get all these wonderful options, but some-times you can have too much of a good thing." Another respondent says, "They are an important part of my life. Talk about convenient! I can't get out to the malls as easily as I used to. With so much things to do, internet shoppingis my salvation. I can give great gifts that take only minutes to choose and I get some unusual things that you can't find at the mall. 5) What about the cost of shippig? "Can't they figure a way to make that less costly?" ...
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08:49Proiect: Focus group Profesor: Gaugas Tatiana