You can display the date on a Windows Form by using calendar controls, such as the MonthCalendar control or a DateTimePicker control. The DateTimePicker control also enables you to display the time. You can also use these controls to collect input from the user to use the date or time selected elsewhere in your application. The MonthCalendar control enables you to select a range of dates. For more information, see How to: Select a Range of Dates in a Calendar Control. To display a date by using a MonthCalendar control 1. On the File menu, click New Project. The New Project dialog box appears. 2. Click Windows Forms Application and then click OK. 3. Add a Label control to the form, with the default name Label1. 4. Add a MonthCalendar control to the form, with the default name MonthCalendar1. 5. Double-click the form to add the default Load event handler in the Code Editor and add the following code. This code assigns the selected date (today's date) to the Text property of the label in short date format.
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Laborator: Laborator la PAW in limba engleza 5-6 Obiect: Programarea Aplicatiilor Windows