Fituici Ixari Aliona

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docx Fituici pentru testul nr. 2 la Engleza economica

A barter system is a system of exchange in which goods and services are traded directly for other goods or services. Money in anything used by a society to purchase goods and services or resources.

docx Fituici pentru testul nr. 1 la Engleza economica

Based on your vocabulary notes give english equivalents to:Interese de afaceri-business interests a se ocupa de comert-be in business a infiinta o firma-to start up in a b. A intra in comert-go into b a conduce o afacer

docx Examen semestrul 2 la Limba Engleza ASEM

1)Inflation 2)Unemployment 3)Accounting and Bookkeeping 4)Classification of Accountants 5)Management functions 6)Levels of Management 7)Areas of management 8)The responsabilities of general manager 9)The skills o

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