1. General concept of Quality Infrastructure. What is quality infrastructure? The national quality infrastructure (NQI) can be understood as the totality of the institutional framework (public or private) required to establish and implement standardization, metrology (scientific, industrial and legal) and the accreditation and conformity assessment services (inspection, testing, and product and system certification) necessary to provide acceptable evidence that products and services meet defined requirements, whether these are imposed by the authorities (in technical regulations and sanitary and phytosanitary measures) or the marketplace (i.e. contractually or inferred). A simplified model identifies five main components of an NQI: standardization, testing, metrology, certification and accreditation, which are closely related and depend on each other (see figure). Enterprises need to manufacture products according to the standards, technical regulations and sanitary and phytosanitary measures prevailing in their export markets; they need to be able to use testing laboratories to determine compliance of their products; these laboratories should have access to metrology and calibration services to ensure that their test equipment are giving reliable results; the products/systems may be certified by third parties to give confidence to the buyers and regulatory bodies that the relevant requirements are being consistently met. The certification bodies and laboratories have to be accredited to demonstrate their technical competences. The manufacturer may use a supplier’s declaration of conformity (SDoC) instead of third-party certification. Quality infrastructure must ensure: - elaboration and implementation of technical regulations for products and passage from compulsory standards to voluntary ones; - application of good practice code regarding standardization; - elimination of all measures that pose trade barriers - not only customs taxes and quantitative restrictions, but all the measures with equivalent (protectionist) effects
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22:48Fituici: Expertiza si Certificarea Marfurilor Examen Copiute Obiect: Expertiza si Certificarea Marfurilor