1. World economy system – concept, structure 2. Evolution of the world economy 3. World economy trends 4. International labor division – concept, factors 5. International specialization – types, features 6. Globalization – concept, channels, drivers, barriers 7. Measuring globalization (economic, social, political) 8. Positive and negative impacts of globalization 9. International economic organizations – concept, factors, classification 10. United Nations System – structure, impact 11. Millennium Development Goals 12. World Bank Group – structure, purpose, activities 13. International Monetary Fund – goals, activities 14. International organization outside UN system (G8, G20, OECD, OPEC, ISO) 15. International trade relations – concept, structure, factors, evolution 16. World market. Mechanisms for setting world prices 17. General trends in international trade 18. Openness degree of a national economy – concept, estimation 19. Economic security of a country – notion, factors, measures taken by the government 20. Trade policy – concept, goals, instruments 21. International capital flows – definition, classification 22. Economic determinants of foreign direct investments 23. International capital flows – regional trends 24. Benefits of foreign direct investments for host – and home – economies 25. Inward foreign direct investment performance index – definition, formulae, rankings 26. Inward foreign direct investment potential index - definition, factors, rankings 27. Foreign direct investment policy – definition, goals, measures 28. Transnational corporations as important agents within the world economy 29. Criteria used for ranking transnational corporations 30. Transnationality index, geographical spread index, internationalization index 31. Management strategies of transnational corporations 32. Horizontal, vertical and conglomerate expansion of transnational corporations 33. Reasons for international expansion of transnational corporations 34. Equity based modes of entry of transnational corporations into the foreign markets 35. Non-equity modes of entry of transnational corporations into the foreign markets 36. Impact of transnational corporations’ activity on host- and home-economies 37. International migration – notions, factors, general trends 38. Barriers and incentives for international migration 39. Impact of International migration on host- and home-economies 40. International economic integration – definition, preconditions, goals 41. Forms and stages of international economic integration 42. Costs and benefits of international economic integration 43. The main integration groups in the world economy 44. Food and water problem – essence, most affected regions, solutions 45. Demographic problem as a global issue 46. Energy problem as a global issue 47. Common features of developed countries 48. Developing countries as a diversified group
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Fituici: Exam of World Economy Obiect: Economie Mondiala si Relatii Economice Internationale