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jpg Aliens imagine

Aliens imagine aliens imagine

docx Investment, raspunsuri la examen

• An investment may be defined as the purchase by an individual or institutional investor of a financial or real asset that produces a return proportional to the risk assumed over future investment period. • investme

doc Subiecte examenere aisa 2014

Subiecte examenere aisa 2014..................

doc Examination questions at Basis of Investing Activity

1. Concept of investments 2. Classification of investments 3. Main features of real investments 4. Financial investment and peculiarities of financial investments in the real sector of economy 5. Role of investments

doc Subiecte de examinare la Activitatea Investitionala a Societatii pe Actiuni

1. Definiția şi clasificarea societăţilor pe acţiuni 2. Elementele ce particularizează S.A. 3. Avantajele şi dezavantajele societăţilor pe acţiuni. Delimitări ale societăţilor pe acţiuni de alte societăţi comerciale ase

doc Concept and Principals of Investments

Topic 1. Concept and Principals of Investments The general idea of investment is that the investor accepts not using the available resources today, so that he would have a higher amount of resources in the future. • An