lista cu intrebari EXAMINATION INTERVIEW TOPICS, DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE (FB), SEMESTER III_2012 1. Expand on summarizing and paraphrasing. In verbal form, provide instantly a paraphrase of the suggested sentence. 2. Speak about memorandums and supply your discussion with useful phrases on the topic. In verbal form, draft in brief a memo to the suggested context. 3. Enlarge on assessment reports. Speak about the layout and useful language to be used in introductory paragraph, main body paragraphs and final paragraph. In verbal form, provide instantly in brief the layout and use necessary key-phrases to make up an assessment report to the suggested context as if you were writing it. 4. Expand on informative reports. Say about the layout and useful language to be used in introductory paragraph, main body paragraphs and final paragraph. In verbal form, provide instantly in brief the layout and use necessary key-phrases to make up an informative report to the suggested context as if you were writing it. 5. Enlarge on survey reports. Speak about the layout and useful language to be used in introductory paragraph, main body paragraphs and final paragraph In verbal form, provide instantly in brief the layout and use necessary key-phrases to make up a survey report to the suggested context as if you were writing it. 6. Expand on proposal reports. Say about the layout and useful language to be used in introductory paragraph, main body paragraphs and final paragraph. In verbal form, provide instantly in brief the layout and use necessary key-phrases to make up a proposal report to the suggested context as if you were writing it.
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Fituici: Exmaen Engleza 2013 fb Asem Profesor: Vasilachi