1.Stock Exchange Transactions (SETs) – agreements to buy or sell securities and other financial assets, which are concluded on the secondary capital market by the intermediation of stock exchange agents, or other authorized financial intermediation companies. Stock exchange transactions: are concluded at a stock exchange within the official sessions by means of stock exchange agents according to stock exchange regulations (prohibitive concept); comprise any business agreements concluded at the stock exchange or outside the stock exchange by affiliated and registered persons at the stock exchange (liberal concept); include provisions of the first concept plus transactions concluded outside the stock exchange with the condition to be carried out by stock exchange members and by means of recognized stock exchange agents (restrictive concept). Transaction’s characteristics:1)organizational – indicate types of stocks and the necessary documentation for the conclusion of transaction; 2)economic – indicate the scope of transaction’s conclusion and risks, which should be taken into consideration at the moment of the transaction’s conclusion; 3 legal – establish the rights and duties of contractual parties and their patrimonial responsibility; 4)ethic – reflects the society’s attitude regarding the transaction: respecting the existing norms, behavior rules during the transaction’s concluding.
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Fituici: Fituici Tranzactii bursiere Test 1 Obiect: Tranzactii Bursiere