Subiecte pentru verificarea cunoştinţelor la disciplina “Tehnici de comerț exterior” 1. Countertrade: genesis and determinant factors The countertrade operation consists of that transactions among which there is a contractual link, a conditioning of a buying transaction with a selling one. History: 1626 – Peter Minuit, which was working for the Dutch East India Company, sold bovines, trinkets (brelocuri), blankets (paturi) worth 24 dollars for Manhattan Island. 1920-1930 – first stage of countertrade development (economic recession of 1929-1933) . In Latin America almost 90% of all intraregional trade was realized in counterpart. The object of counterpart was: natural resources, oil products, agricultural products; 1948-1949 – 2nd stage of countertrade development (after the II WW). According to WTO, almost 10 % of the international trade of 70-80s was performed in counterpart, but according to UNCTAD – 15-25% of international trade. Reasons for developing countries to countertrade: Necessity to reduce the external debt; Lack of currency reserves to finance the imports (for ex. import of technologies); signing certain long-term countertrade contracts for ensuring long term imports of equipment, energetic resources etc.; Gaining favorable positions on new markets; Avoidance of tariff and non-tariff barriers imposed by developed countries; Avoidance of high cost conventional methods of financing and paying by signing clearing agreements. Through countertrade, developing countries export agricultural products (34%), manufactured products (24%), oil and oil products (10%), ores and metals (11%) etc.
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Fituici: Subiecte pentru Examenul de Tehnici de Comert Exterior Obiect: Tehnici de Comert Exterior