1. Monopolistic competition in the short and long term. Equilibrium. 2. Oligopoly markets. The strategic behavior of firms. Prisoner's Dilemma. 3. Duopoly. Cournot model. Response curve of the firm. Equilibrium. 4. Competitive market factors of production in the short term. 5. Imperfect competition in the market factor of production. Monopsony. 6. Production function. Isoquants. Marginal rate of technical substitution. Cobb-Douglas function. 7. The average product and marginal product of factors of production (labor, capital). Law of diminishing re-turns of production factor. 8. Scale effect. 9.The “price-consumption "curve and individual demand curve. 10. Effect of substitution and income effect. Giffens goods. 11. Natural monopoly. State regulation of monopolies. 12. Price discrimination. Segmentation of the market. 13. The model of supply and demand. Market equilibrium. 14. Price elasticity of demand. Methods of measurement. 15. Budget constraint the consumer. The slope of the budget line. Changing the budget line with changes in income or the consumer prices of goods. 16. Production costs in the short term. Relationship between average and marginal costs. 17. The aim of the company. Economic profit. Average revenue and marginal revenue. The rule of profit maximizing. 18. Decision of termination or continuation of a competitive firms production in the short run. The supply curve in the short term. 19. Monopoly. Marginal revenue and price elasticity of demand. The rule of profit maximization of a monopolist.
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00:01Fituici: Fituici la Microeconomie Profesor: Goreaceaia Oxana