Cursuri Vostricov Denis

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pdf Declaratia privind impozitul pe venit persoane juridice

P Anexa nr.1 la Hotărîrea Guvernului nr.1498 din 29 decembrie 2008 Приложение 1 к Постановлению Правительства №1498 от 29 декабря 2008 Forma VEN 08 „Declaraţia persoanei juridice cu privire la im

docx Tema 1 si 2 la Finante

Lecture 1 . Economic content and concepts of Finance 1.1 Theoretical approaches concerning the concept of finance 1.2 Economic content of Public Finance 1.3 Functions of finance 1.1. Theoretical approaches con

pdf Social insurance

The necesity and econmic content of the social insurance One of the objective factors of social development is the need for material support of those who for some reason do not participate in social activities and can

doc Finante publice

1. Finanţe publice – Concept, evoluţie, conţinut, funcţii 1.1.Conceptul de finanţe publice 1.2. Evoluţia finanţelor publice 1.3.Conţinutul economic al finanţelor publice 1.4. Funcţiile finanţelor publice

docx Budget and budgetary system

Public Budget represents the basis of every country’s financial system, expressing the specific type of financial relations - budgetary relations that are implied in the processes of formation, distribution and use of b

doc Cursul complet Finance (6 lectures)

Lecture 1 . Economic content and concepts of Finance 1.1 Theoretical approaches concerning the concept of finance 1.2 Economic content of Public Finance 1.3 Functions of finance 1.1. Theoretical approaches concer

ppt Budget

Public Budget represents the basis of every country’s financial system, expressing the specific type of financial relations - budgetary relations that are implied in the processes of formation, distribution and use of b

docx Conspect la Metode si tehnici fiscale (Engleza)

Lecture 10. A General Overview of the Income Tax 1. A General Overview of the Income Tax 2. Coverage Scope of the Income Tax 3. Deductions Allowed for Taxation Purposes Lecture 11. Particular Aspects of Individual Inco

doc State Social Insurance

7.1. The necesity and econmic content of the social insurance 7.2. The principles of formation and operation of the social insurance system 7.3. The organization of the state social insurance in the Republic of Moldova 7

docx Metode Tehnici Fiscale întregul curs

Lecture 10. A General Overview of the Income Tax 1. A General Overview of the Income Tax 2. Coverage Scope of the Income Tax 3. Deductions Allowed for Taxation Purposes Part 1. A General Overview of the Income Ta

pdf Educatia-din-Moldova-fruntasa-la-cheltuieli-codasa-la-rezultate


ppt Budget

Public Budget represents the basis of every country’s financial system, expressing the specific type of financial relations - budgetary relations that are implied in the processes of formation, distribution and use of b

doc Public finance policy

. Social and economic policy of the government. The concept of financial policy.

pdf Overview of China Customs

China Customs is a government agency that supervises and manages all arrivals in and departures from the Customs territory of the mainland of the People's Republic of China. It exercises a centralized management structur

doc Financial resouses

Tema 6. Sistemul resurselor financiare publice 1.Conţinutul economic al resurselor publice. 2.Componentele resurselor financiare publice. 3.Tendinţe în evoluţia resurselor financiare publice. 1. Conţinutul econom