Cursuri Vostricov

16 din 6


Tema 1: Impozitul pe venit. Particularităţile impunerii veniturilor persoanelor fizice. Curs teoretic – 4 ore. 1. Impozit pe venit – noţiuni generale. 2. Modul de acordare a scutirilor fiscale angajaţilor. Surs


Tema 1: Impozitul pe venit. Particularităţile impunerii veniturilor persoanelor fizice. Curs teoretic –4 ore. 4. Modul de calcul al impozitului pe venit din plăţile salariale. 5. Determinarea venitului supus impoz

doc Lecture5 . The system of public expenses

Lecture5 . The system of public expenses Economic content of public expenses Classification of public expenses Trends and evolution of public expenses 1. Economic content of public expenses In the proc

doc Lecture 6 The system of public resourses

Lecture 6 The system of public resourses 1 Economic content of public resorses 2Components of financial recourses 3 Tendencies and trends in evolution of public recourses 1 Economic content of public res

doc Taxation

TAXATION 1. Functions of taxation 2. Taxation Elements 3. Taxation Principles and Forms 4. Tax Rate Establishment and Tax Collection 5. Types of Taxes 6. The Taxation System of the RM The Functions of Tax

docx Budget

Public Budget represents the basis of every country’s financial system, expressing the specific type of financial relations - budgetary relations that are implied in the processes of formation, distribution and use of b