Cursuri Ixari Aliona

13 din 3

docx The role of the stockbrokers

A stock broker is a professional who buys and sells stocks and other securities in the stock market through the book makers from the stock investors. As per the law in United States one needs to pass the General Securiti

docx “A bank is a place where you are lent an umbrella on a sunny day and asked to return it when it is pouring” - Eseu

Bank`s shortcomings have been recognized for centuries and for centuries, groups of people have been organizing themselves to take advantage of alternatives. In the middle of 19th century, a pair of German econo

docx Negotiating in China

All negotiators, Chinese, western or any other, fall into 1 of 5 categories, or TYPES Management consultants and academics who look at negotiation sometimes place counterparties on a matrix of 2 dimensions – concern for