Cursuri la Business English

115 din 52

docx Case study3 market leader pre intermediate

Case study3 market leader pre intermediate

docx Case study2 market leader pre intermediate

Case study2 market leader pre intermediate

docx Case study1 market leader pre intermediate

Case study market leader pre intermediate

pdf Abordarea pe baza de venit in evaluarea intreprinderii

1.Logica abordarii pe baza de venit

pdf Some problems of syntax

1.Paraphrase these sentences...

pdf The conjuctive

1.Fill in the blanks with the missing...

pdf The preposition

1.Fill in the blanks with beside...

pdf The adverb

1.Choose the correct form from those given...

pdf Verbal constructions

1.Combine two sentences into one...

pdf The gerund

1.Translate into Romanian pointing....

pdf The subjunctive mood

1.Change the verbs....

pdf Modal verbs

1.Rewrite these sentences using must...

pdf Direct and indirect speech

1.Change the following sentences from direct into indirect speech...

pdf If clauses

1.Replace the infinitives in brackets by the correct tense...

pdf Sequence of tenses

1.Use the verbs in the main sentence...