Cursuri Bacimanova Nadejda

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docx Bussiness negotiation quiz

Bussiness negotiation quiz

docx Banking.docx


docx Business negotiations

• How often do people negotiate? • What kind of things do they negotiate? • How often do people negotiate in English? • Do people usually agree terms and conditions over the phone, in person, or in writing? Which do you

docx Advertising

LESSON 1. HOW COMPANIES ADVERTISE Advertising is a message that tries to sell something. Companies advertise everything from cars to candy. Advertising is also used to change people’s ideas. For example, an ad could try

docx Levels and areas of management

Managers perform various functions. According to the functions assigned to them managers can be divided into levels and areas. Levels of management Top managers. A top manager is an upper-level executive who guides and

docx Accounting Vocabulary Exercises

1. Match the definition on the left with the letter of the term on the right. 1. a list of employees and their wages 2. an accounting record where all business transactions are initially entered 3. money that is spent

doc Politica comercială UE

1.1 Începuturile și evoluția politicii comerciale comune UE 1.2 Ce reprezinta PCC? 1.3. De ce o politica comerciala comuna? 1.4. Care sunt obiectivele PCC? 1.5. Principiile Politicii Comerciale Comune a UE : 1.6. Ins

doc Fuctiile si rolul managementului financiar. Deciziile financiare manageriale.

Managementul financiar este considerat o parte componentă a managementului general al firmei. Obiectivul lui global este de a asigura eficienţa utilizării capitalui firmei, de a susţine crearea fondurilor intreprind

doc Definitions - Business English

Management is a process that is used to accomplish organizational goals; that is, a process that is used to achieve what an organization wants to achieve. Managers are the people to whom this management task is assigne