Periodisation of the History of the English Language Declinable parts of Speech in the OE Period, their grammatical categories The subject-matter of History of the English Language, its connections with other disciplines Origin of the English Language. The Old English Dialects The characteristic features of the Old English Verbal System Grammatical categories of the Verbals The grammatical categories of the Verb (tense, voice, mood, aspect). Strong and Weak verbs, their classification Old English Vocabulary, ways of eneriching it. The Middle English Period, two important events marking it Norman Conquest. The struggle Eng&French. The Development of the English National and Literary Language The Grammatical System of the Language. The Aim of Theoretical Grammar. Units of Language. Six levels of language. (Phonemic, morphemic, lexemic, phrasemic, proposemic, and supra-proposemic levels). Morphology and Syntax. The Subject Matter of Their Study. The Typical Morphemic Composition of Modern English Words. The Study of Morphemes by Descriptive Linguistics: Principles, Analysis. The Distributional Classification of Morphemes. The Grammatical Classes of Words. Traditional Classification versus Syntactic-Distributional Classification (Ch. Fries) The Syntagmatic and Paradigmatic Relations in the Language. Syntagmatic Connections of Words. The Noun: the Problem of Gender and Number in Theoretical Grammar. The Constituent Structure of the Simple Sentence in the English Language.
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Curs: History of the English Language Profesor: Singherei Valentina