1. The object of study and structure of Politology (Political Science). Political science is the systematic study of and reflection upon politics. Politics usually describes the processes by which people and institutions exercise and resist power. Political processes are used to formulate policies, influence individuals and institutions, and organize societies. The Greek Political Philosopher, Aristotle was the first thinker to use the term politics which is derived from the Greek word of Polis which means city-state. Greeks didn’t make any distinctions between politics and society. The Greek state provide the first basics to the study of political science. According to Garner Political science begins and ends with the state. May also be defined as a study of man in the process of governing himself. 2. Concepts, methods and functions of Politology (Political Science). Scope of political Science refers to the subject matter or the boundaries of political science. Scope concerning state studies the present form of the state. Its aims and objectives are adopted by the state to achieve its objectives. Present form of the state is resulted from the historical development. Political science is a historical investigation of what the state has been an analytical study of what the state is and a politico ethical discussion of what the state should be. Scope concerning Human Rights - Citizens have their civil, political and economic rights. Those rights have to be protected by the state as well as the welfare of its citizens. Scope concerning government - A state cannot exist without its government. Government is the working agency of the state. The different forms of government are all covered by the political science. Normative/Empirical Studies
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Curs: Examen raspunsuri Politology Obiect: Politologie