1.1. Definition and classification of stock exchange transactions 1. 2. Stock exchange transactions with primary securities 1. 3. Stock exchange transactions with derivative financial instruments 1.4. Types of stock exchange transactions according to the investors’ motivation Interpretations on the notion of stock exchange transactions gradually evolved over time, especially lately, so that if, traditionally, stock exchange transactions were considered only those contracts concluded at the stock exchange within the trading session, at present, these ones are accepted as stock exchange transactions also concluded outside the stock exchange, with the condition to be registered. In such a way, there is a clear delimitation of stock exchange and the Over - The- Counter (OTC) Market. Stock Exchange Transactions (SETs) – agreements to buy or sell securities and other financial assets, which are concl uded on the secondary capital market by the intermediation of stock exchange agents, or other authorized financial interme diation companies. These transactions or trading procedures should be carried out according to the existent legislation and regulations of the implied institutions (Stock Exchange, National Commission of Financial Market, etc.). ...
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Curs: Concept and classification of stock exchange transactions Profesor: Iordachi Victoria