1.Concept and meaning and forms of managerial diagnostics of the company / stages of diagnostic 1.1. The notion, goal and diagnostic tasks. 1.2. Types and forms of diagnostics 1.3. Diagnostic process 1.1. The theoretical bases of diagnostics are widely enough represented in the works of domestic and foreign economists such as Bakanov MI, Bakhramov Yu.M., Vartanov AS, Voronin MI, Glukhov VV, Dmitrieva OG, Korotkov EM, Muraviev AI, Sheremet AD, Kolass B., etc. They determined the nature and forms of diagnosis, its place in economic analysis, studied the procedures and methods of diagnosis, developed techniques for the practical application of diagnostic analysis on Enterprise
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Curs: 1.Concept and meaning and forms of managerial diagnostics of the company / stages of diagnostic Obiect: Diagnostic of enterprise