23.Auctions: distinct features and overview. An auction is a process of buying and selling goods or services by offering them for a bid and then selling the item to the highest bidder. In economic theory, auctions are commodity markets that concentrate the demand and the supply in a determined period of time and place, the supply being presented as a real consignment or as a set of documents attesting its existence. The main goal of the auctions is to select the seller offering the most favorable conditions and the lowest price for buying auctions or the highest price for sale auctions. The distinctive features of the auctions are: a. They are run under its own regulations, methods and specific rules in accordance with the subject or the object of transactions and according to the legislation and uniform rules that govern their organization and realization; b. They diminish the importance of negotiations which took place, usually, after the opening of auctions and after awarding; c. Are competitive transactions the main competitive elements being price, technical and functional characteristics of products, conditions and terms of delivery and payment; d. Assigning the ownership of the property sold or receiving the best bid is made by awarding operation;
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Curs: Examenul de Tehnici de Comert Exterior Tehnici de Comert Exterior Profesor: Crudu