1. The particularities of banking activities as financial institutions. The mechanism of bank establishment. The specific of bank licensing of banking in Moldova. Extension of banking activity in the territory. 1.1 The particularities of banking activity organization 1.2 How a bank is established 1.3The specific of bank licensing of banking in Moldova 1.4 Extension of banking activity in the territory 2. Bank equity. Components of the bank equity. Functions of the bank equity. Total Regularity Capital (CNT). Criteria to determine the capital adequacy. Optimization of the capital adequacy. 2.1 Bank equity. 2.2 Components of the bank equity 2.2.1 Total Regularity Capital (CNT). 2.3 Optimization of the capital adequacy. Capitol 3 Capitol 4 The placement operations of the bank The credit operations of the commercial banks Capitol 5 5.1 Crediting operations of the bank. 5.2 The concept of bank credit. 5.3 The principles of bank crediting. 5.4 Typology of bank credits. 5.5 The stages of the bank crediting. 5.6 The methodology of bank crediting. 5.7 The guarantee of the credit. ...
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Curs: Conspect Activitatea Bancara [eng] Profesor: Ciobu Stela